Mohave Local已尽一切合理努力确保所含信息的准确性 on this website. However, information is only as accurate as the source of the supplied information. Further, the information on this website is updated only periodically and therefore may not reflect the most current information.
Mohave Local, LLC对此不作任何形式的保证、陈述或保证 ANY 此处提供的地图或其他信息,或该等地图或其他信息的来源. Mohave Local, LLC明确否认所有明示或暗示的陈述或保证。 包括但不限于对a的适销性和适用性的默示保证 PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Mohave Local, LLC不承担任何错误、遗漏或不准确的责任 所提供的信息,无论其原因或任何决定,采取的行动,或 用户不依赖此处提供的任何地图或信息而采取的行动.
用户严禁上传任何不属于自己的图片或艺术品 explicit permission to use. Uploading unauthorized images or artwork may infringe on copyright laws and intellectual property rights. This includes, but is not limited to, photographs, graphics, illustrations, and other visual content. Unauthorized use of such materials can result in legal 诉讼,包括但不限于,损害赔偿索赔,处罚和禁令,以防止 further unauthorized use. Mohave Local is committed to protecting the rights of copyright holders 并将采取必要行动删除任何侵权内容,并与版权所有者合作 in enforcing their rights. By uploading any images or artwork, users represent and warrant that they 是否拥有使用、展示和分发该等内容的合法权利,并同意赔偿和持有 Mohave Local对因违反本政策而产生的任何索赔、损害赔偿或费用概不负责.
What is the Review Section? Reviews are intended as a means for sharing experiences between customers & suppliers with the community. It is intended to assist the customer in making an 在选择供应商时做出明智的决定,并帮助供应商了解他们的服务是如何的 rated. 因此,评论,无论是正面的还是负面的,都会被纳入考虑 ,根据我们的审查政策以及我们的 一般使用条款及任何及所有其他政策、免责声明、条款及条件 notices published and as may be amended from time to time on our website.
1. 发布评论:Mohave Local对发布在其网站上的评论进行审核 因此,可能会重新发送更正,审查或不允许在其网站上发布评论 its sole and absolute discretion.
2. Reviews can be published:
3)企业主不得做以下任何可能损害其在线声誉的事情 be interpreted as misleading consumers:
审查或支付或以其他方式提供任何形式的补偿,无论是货币还是其他方式 reviews of their own business or that of their competitors.
Try to have negative reviews removed leaving only positive reviews.
违反任何可能不时适用的法律,包括但不限于诽谤; 骚扰、歧视、诽谤、煽动、亵渎、欺凌或蔑视或数据 protection.
Compromise the privacy or data protection of any data subject.
Mohave Local对内容不作任何形式的保证、陈述或保证 任何审查,包括但不限于其真实性,准确性或真实性,并假设没有 对包含的任何错误、遗漏、虚假陈述和/或不准确承担任何责任 in any review published on the website. The Business Owners hereby exonerate and hold Mohave Local harmless for any liability arising from any and all third-party claims 任何实际的或潜在的损害,或因这些信息而造成的损害 and/or content contained in any review published on the website.
莫哈维当地相信责任和责任,并努力提供一个 trustworthy and honest service in seeking to connect consumers with businesses. One of the core 建立这种信任的要素是诚实的评论,我们必须确保消费者能够 trust the reviews that are posted on our website. This is attained through tried and tested processes and streamlined policies as outlined on this website. We trust consumers and business owners will share our values and follow our principles.
In order to post a review, you must be registered with our website. Registration requires that you are sixteen (16) years or older. You must answer the ratings question about the business you intend to review and also write a review about your own personal experience.
评论应不少于五十(50)字长,将限制在一千 five hundred (1,500) characters. They should be about your direct experience with the business; 因此,例如,如果你向一家企业询价,但随后没有执行任何业务 transactions, then your review should be limited to that enquiry. Likewise, if you have decided to write about a bad experience try to explain it in your review. All businesses will accept 消极的反馈只要是建设性的批评,因为这对他们是有用的 improve their offering. Any review you write must relate to recent experiences that would have taken place in the previous twelve (12) months.
企业所有者将被告知你的审查,如果他们愿意,他们将能够做出回应 it.
All reviews will be moderated; therefore, they will be submitted to our content moderating team prior to being published. We will make every endeavour to do this as speedily as possible but this may take up to seventy-two (72) hours. In order to speed up this process, it would be 建议坚持案情的事实,避免引用道听途说,并确保事实的真实性 review is in line with our Review Policy.
适度意味着审稿可以按原样接受,并修改为正确的语法或类型 错误不影响审稿人的预期意见或不被接受,这一切都在 sole discretion of the moderation team. The moderation team may also, at their own discretion, contact you to confirm the veracity or otherwise of your review. Therefore, it is important to 请记住,您应该能够提供购买产品或服务的证明 example.
Always remember that as the reviewer you retain responsibility for what you write. The review 将提供给公众阅读,所以在提交之前我们建议您检查一下 你所写的是为了确保它是可以理解的,它反映了事实,而且 it is in line with our Review Policy.